Theory and practice: Identifying the gaps in essential newborn care practice of nursing and midwifery students during their clinical practicum

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April Grace O. Liao
Rhodora C. Manalon


Essential Newborn Care, Theory-practice Gap, Clinical Practicum


This study sought to determine the problems  encountered by the nursing and midwifery
students during the implementation of  Essential Newborn Care (ENC) clinical
practicum in the delivery room. It utilized  multi-method, cross-sectional research design.
Two types of respondents were involved:clinical instructors, and nursing and midwifery
students. Seven common problems in ENC  protocol practice among CI and student
respondents were identified. Moreover,  bridging the gap between theory and practice
remains a big challenge in the Nursing  Education today, just as implementing quality
ENC program, assails educators. Issues arose  when the students' learned theories were not
observed during the clinical practicum.

Abstract 435 | PDF Downloads 1135


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