Success indicators in accounting 1 in the college of management and information technology (CMIT), Northwest Samar State University (NwSSU), Calbayog City

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Rolyn A. Catamora



The study attempted to find out the success  indicators in Accounting 1 of students in the
College of Management and Information  Technology (CMIT), Northwest Samar State
University (NwSSU) with the end view of  proposing an enrichment program in
Accounting 1.

It utilized the descriptive-correlational method  with a set of research instrument for students
and teachers distributed to the respective  respondents. Several factors were discussed in
this study, namely: age, sex, parents”˜ monthly  income, IQ, average grade in Mathematics,
average grade in English, home environment,  self-esteem, attitude towards Accounting, or
teachers”˜ teaching competence, such as:  instructional skills, communication skills,
management skills, guidance skills, evaluation  skills, and socio-personal skills. The data were
analyzed using frequency and percentage,  mean, standard deviation, pearson r, and
stepwise multiple regression analysis to  determine the best success indicators in
Accounting 1. Taking all the different variables,  the research stressed that the average grade in
English and Math came out as the best success  indicators in the performance in Accounting 1.

Abstract 233 | PDF Downloads 277


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