Development and evaluation of motorcycle immobilizer using radio frequency

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Limuel C. Cirineo


Success Indicator, Accounting Education, Predictors in Accounting, Students' Performance in Accounting Education


This study aimed to develop and evaluate a  Motorcycle immobilizer using radio frequency
for any kind of motorcycle. Mainly, this device  demobilizes the motorcycle in a certain
distance after being grabbed and stolen from  the parking area. The device, a 27 MHz
transmitter-receiver radio frequency that  serves as a wireless control to the motorcycle,
specifically protects the owner from the  heinous criminals and motor jackers
throughout the Philippines. Once the  transmitter is turned on, the receiver circuit
energizes the relays which allow the current  from the Circuit Direct Ignition (CDI) to the
distributor of the motorcycle. The range of the  device reception is up to ten (10) meters, and
when the transmitter is out of range, the  receiver circuit cuts-off the power of the first
relay, but the second relay cuts-off after  running for another 21 seconds. The second
relay belongs to the off delay circuit in the  entire circuitry of the device. The transmitter
device has a port for charging the rechargeable  battery.

Utilizing the experimental method of research  to achieve its main objective, the study had
data gathered in this research from 251 COT,  BIT, BTTE first and second year automotive
students officially enrolled in Marikina  Polytechnic College (MPC) during the academic
year of 2013-2014 and 5 automotive  Instructors.  

These statistical tools treated the data:  frequency and ranking, weighted mean, and
one factor ANOVA. The study revealed that  there is no significant difference between the
perceptions of the four groups of respondents  as to the design and functionality, usefulness,
durability, safety and maintenance of the  device.

The group of respondents accepted the  developed Motorcycle Immobilizer using radio
frequency as an anti-thief device for its design  and durability, functionality, usefulness and
promoting safety and maintenance and  security of both the vehicle and the owner as
evidenced by its over-all weighted mean of  4.59, verbally interpreted as strongly agree.

Abstract 381 | PDF Downloads 564


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