Social Construction of the 'Environment': Role of Tertiary Institutes in Behaviour Transformation

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Paolo M. Vicerra
Jonathan P. Diokno
Jerald B. Bongalos


Behaviour transformation, social construction


The Commission on Higher Education of the Philippines mandates the inclusion of varied practica and projects in the teacher education curriculum. However, the inclusion of action research, which has a positive impact on the education process, as part of the curriculum was not given an emphasis. This study aims to determine the role of action research in behavior transformation of education students in the construct of “environment” utilizing a case study method using a qualitative approach. Mobilization of the participants of the study to conduct their own researches on the context of the environment is the main case of the study. Participants (n=6) of the study are randomly selected from second-year education students who were enrolled in a subject with environmental research output as one of the requirements. An interview with all the participants using active analysis to form themes before and after the conduct of their study was organized. Positive transformation towards the context of the environment and the conduct of research are determined. The inclusion of action research in different disciplines may be done in the context of being pro-environment.

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