Why Young Filipino Teachers Teach?

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Danilo V. Rogayan Jr.


why teachers teach, Filipino young teachers, narrative inquiry, teaching profession, Philippines


It may not be a profitable profession but teaching has been regarded as the noblest mission, vocation and profession which contributes mainly to the non-material satisfaction of individuals who are engaged in it. This qualitative narrative inquiry explored the perspectives of young teachers in the Philippines on their reasons why they are teaching. Many studies have focused mainly on the motivation of teachers to teach but there were only few studies conducted which tried to establish the reasons why young teachers chose the profession. A total of 31 young Filipino teachers were purposively selected as participants of the study. The participants (aged 21 to 30) were asked to write a short narrative on why they teach. The narratives were scrutinized to generate themes and significant statements. Ten major themes ultimately emerged to describe the reasons of young teachers' engagement in teaching. The young Filipino teachers cited that they teach to bring positive change, prepare students for life, serve as an inspiration, promote values, transform lives, teach for passion, set a higher bar of excellence in education, cure social problems, share knowledge and skills, and enable others' dreams. The study, thus claim that there were various significant reasons why these educators teach. A conceptual framework was crystallized to depict the reasons why Filipino young teachers teach. Implications of the findings to curriculum enhancement of Teaching Profession course in the teacher education program, to the nationally-validated PPST, and the formation program for young teachers were established in the study.
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