Multiple Metal Tolerance of Bacteria Isolated from Selected Rivers of Cavite, Philippines

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Jamaica Q. Espineli
Yolanda A. Ilagan


metals, metal tolerance, metal tolerance patterns, Serratia


Metals, in trace amounts, play a role in almost all the metabolic processes, growth and development of microorganisms and in excess can be harmful to them. Increasing concentrations of metals beyond bacteria's tolerance levels force them to develop mechanisms to survive in metal-rich environments. In this study, 190 bacteria which belonged to the genera Aeromonas (49 isolates), Bacillus (21 isolates), Citrobacter (1 isolate), Corynebacterium (22 isolates), E.coli (7 isolates), Enterobacter (5 isolates), Klebsiella (1 isolate), Microccoccus (3 isolates), Morganella (2 isolates), Proteus (3 isolates), Providencia (1 isolate), Pseudomonas (32 isolates), Serratia (16 isolates), Shigella (2 isolates), Staphylococcus (15 isolates), and Yersinia (9 isolates) were isolated from nine rivers of Cavite, Philippines, namely: Ikloy River in Indang, Lit-litan River in Alfonso, Kaong River in Silang, Maragondon River in Ternate, Pulunan and Puting Tubig Rivers in Trece Martires City, Ylang-Ylang River in Gen. Trias, Cañas River in Tanza, and Dasmariñas River in Dasmariñas. The bacterial isolates were tested for their tolerance against lead, copper, mercury, manganese, iron, and zinc at 100, 150, 200, 250, 400, 800, and 1600 ppm concentrations. A decrease in the number of tolerant isolates was observed as the concentration of copper, mercury, and zinc increased. No isolate was able to tolerate 1600 ppm of copper and mercury. Serratia was observed to be the most tolerant genus to lead, copper, zinc, manganese and iron while the genus Bacillus was observed to be the least tolerant to almost all the metals used in this study except to mercury. Four metal tolerance patterns were exhibited by the bacterial isolates with penta-metal tolerance as the main pattern.
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