Disaster Resilience Level of Selected Barangays in Quezon City, Philippines

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Arlon P. Cadiz
Catherine B. Pascual
Eden V. Evangelista


Disaster, Disaster Resilience, Vulnerability, Barangays in Quezon City


This study explored the disaster resilience level of six barangays in Quezon City in which results can serve as baseline data in developing programs to help the community become more resilient. Descriptive cross-sectional survey design directed the data collection and analysis of resilience level of purposively selected 44 residents and Barangay officials. Results show that Barangays are resilient in terms of governance. They exhibited medium resilience in preparedness and response, risk management and vulnerability reduction, knowledge and education, and risk assessment. There is a need for a thorough evaluation of the prior programs implemented to address the weak points observed in this study. Further research may focus on large number of respondents as well as the number of barangays to be involved particularly those which have high hazards risk.
Abstract 2044 | PDF Downloads 2292


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