Ethnomathematics Mobile Learning for Pre-service Elementary Teachers: Creative Thinking Obstacles and Didactic Design Analysis

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Supriadi Supriadi
Muhammad Hanif


Creative thinking, ethnomathematics, mobile learning, traditional games


Ethnomathematics learning should target students' critical thinking skills and be packaged in an engaging platform. This article aims to analyze the obstacles to creative thinking skills and design the students' worksheets in Sundanese ethnomathematics mobile learning. This mixed-method study used design didactical and Rasch Model analysis that involved 78 pre-service elementary school teacher education students from various educational and ethnic backgrounds. Data were collected through questions about the learning obstacle test. The study revealed that students struggled to create visual models representing mathematical concepts. Students also experienced epistemological obstacles or insufficient knowledge in identifying traditional games associated with mathematical concepts and a deficiency in creativity. The findings led to the design of a Sundanese ethnomathematics mobile learning application to assist students in teaching mathematics concepts through three traditional Sundanese games. The study suggests incorporating Sundanese ethnomathematics in mobile learning environments in elementary schools to enhance creative thinking skills.

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