Effectiveness of Basic Arithmetic Skills Module among Pupils with Dyscalculia Symptoms

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Yoong Soo May
Ardzulyna Anal
Jose M. Ocampo Jr.
Sheila Marie P. Dela Peña



Mathematics is fundamental in the educational system, yet many pupils lack the required skills in the subject. Intervention is crucial for pupils with dyscalculia symptoms. This study evaluates the effectiveness of the Basic Arithmetic Skills (BAS) Module among pupils with dyscalculia symptoms. This is a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental design. One hundred twenty pupils aged between 7 and 14 years, who exhibited dyscalculia symptoms were involved in this study. They were divided into two (2) groups: the control group with 59 pupils and the treatment group with 61 pupils. The results showed that the BAS Module significantly improved the basic arithmetic skills among pupils with dyscalculia symptoms regardless of gender and age. In conclusion, the BAS Module effectively improved the basic arithmetic skills among pupils with dyscalculia symptoms in primary schools. The study emphasizes the importance of tailored instructional materials and the role of teachers in delivering interventions that cater to pupils' different cognitive development levels. It is recommended that the BAS Module be applied to pupils with dyscalculia to improve their basic arithmetic skills, particularly in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

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